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Corresponding Author
Cia Aprilianti
Palangka Raya Health Polytechnic
Jalan G. Obos No. 30, 32, Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia
Background: Dysmenorrhea is pain that is felt during menstruation. In Indonesia the estimated incidence of 55% of productive women who experience dysmenorrhea. Risk factors for someone experiencing dysmenorrhea are calcium intake, menstrual duration, age of menarche, and stress level. Objective: To determine the relationship between calcium intake and the incidence of dysmenorrhea in adolescents at Palangkaraya Method: The study design was a case-control with 62 samples. Sampling is done by Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Data on sample characteristics, dysmenorrhea events, and risk factors were obtained by interview using a questionnaire and numeric rating scale. Data analysis using Chi-Square Test and Fisher Exact. Results: The results showed that there were (9.7%) students who had sufficient calcium had dysmenorrhea pain, here were (90.3%) who had dysmenorrhea. Chi-Square test results showed students who lack calcium have a risk of 9,664 times experience pain compared to students who have enough calcium (p-value = 0,000). While the results of multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant variable affecting the incidence of dysmenorrhea was calcium intake with a p-value = 0.002; OR = 9,664 (95% CI; 2,305-40,521) and age of menarche with p-value = 0.045; OR = 3,538 (95% CI; 1,026-12,202). Conclusion: Low calcium intake and menarche age influence the incidence of dysmenorrhea among adolescents girls.
dysmenorrhea, calcium intake, adolescents girls
Corresponding Author
I Ketut Dharsana
Department Guidance Counseling Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Objective: Cross-Gender Friendship (CGFs) is a platonic relationship between men and women who are not bound. From observations at high schools in Bali that there are some teenagers that show an attitude of being able to get along with the opposite sex, while some others show attitudes such as keeping a distance, avoiding and withdrawing from their friends. In adolescent girls, some of them keep their distance from male friends. Then in men, some of them withdraw from female friends. Seeing the low phenomenon of Cross-Gender Friendship, it is necessary to provide counseling guidance by using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Method : This research is a quasi-experimental study, in which the research design uses an experimental group and a control group. The populations in this study were high school adolescents in Denpasar. Sampling was done by purposive random technique in which the characteristics of adolescents who have low Cross-Gender Friendship. The number of samples included in the criteria were 50 respondents. Data collection was performed using a Cross-Gender Friendship questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is the t test. Results: T test results show that Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is effectively used in developing Cross-Gender Friendship in adolescent boys and girls. Conclusion: The low Cross-Gender Friendship in adolescents is developed using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is recommended for counselors that Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be used as an alternative providing counseling services in the development of Cross-Gender Friendship in adolescents.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Cross-Gender Friendship, Counseling Guidance
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Dwi Agustiana Sari
(a & c) STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta
(Jl. RingRoad Utara, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta)
(b) Nursing Departmen, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
(Jl. Farmako, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta)
Background : Prevalence of cervical cancer in DIY ranks highest in Indonesia. Riskesdas (2013). The major risk factor is a having sex at a young age. The number of cervical cancers in Indonesia is caused by lack of knowledge about cervical cancer so that public awareness for early detection is still low. Aim : To describe adolescents- knowledge about cervical cancer prevention and the relation between age, tribe, residence, source of information and knowledge about cervical cancer at SMK PI Ambarrukmo 1 Depok. Method : Quantitative descriptive method, used cross sectional design. The research was conducted at SMK PI Ambarrukmo 1 Depok which consisted of 60 students. The sampling technique which is used was total sampling and the instrument which is used was questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted by Chi Square analysis. Result : Some of the respondents have a good knowledge that was 53.3%. From the item aspect of the respondents answer showed that some of the adolescents knowledge about symptom and management were still less that was 47.3%. There was a relation between tribe, residence, and source of information with the knowledge (p= <0.05). There was no relation between age and knowledge. Conclution : Some of the respondents have a good knowledge. There was a relation between tribe, residence, and source of information with the knowledge. There was no relation between age and knowledge.
Knowledge, adolescent, cervical cancer prevention
Corresponding Author
Tesa Gurit Kartika Wiyati
Politeknik Kesehatan Yogyakarta
Background: HIV increases susceptibility to various types of infections, cancer, other diseases and can cause death. Sleman is the highest case of HIV in Province DIY. Sleman Health Office records HIV/AIDS cases increased in 2015(1.038 cases) to 2016 (1.220 cases). WHO defines quality of life as an individual-s perception of their position in the cultural context and value system Research Objectives : to find out the correlation between the duration of diagnosed HIV with the quality of life (QOL) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) at Yayasan Victory Plus in 2019. Research Methods: This study used a retrospective cohort design. Consecutive sampling used tofound 38 samples of respondents with HIV/AIDS at Yayasan Victory Plus. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data analyzed by chi square and logistic regression. Results: The results of the Chi-Square test showed that duration of diagnosed HIV (p = 0.017) has significantly correlation with the quality of life PLWHA. Age, education, occupation, duration of ARV therapy, and income did not have a significant correlation. The results of multivariate analysis showed that the duration of diagnosed was the most influential factor of quality of life PLWHA (p-value = 0.002, RR = 96.404). Conclusion: Diagnosed duration of HIV has a significant correlation with the quality of life PLWHA. Respondents who were diagnosed for longer had the chance to have a poor quality of life. 8.3% PLWHA who are diagnosed longer and ≥ 30 years old have a poor quality of life.
Keywords: Duration of diagnosed HIV, quality of life, HIV/AIDS
Corresponding Author
Nadyah Haruna
a Medical Department of Alauddin Islamic State University
b Medical Department of Hasanuddin University
In various cases of infectious diseases weight loss is often found in patients and talk about body weight is certainly relevant to cholesterol levels. This study aims to determine the effect of ficus carica extract on salmonella-infected mice and determine differences in the effectiveness of changes in body weight and cholesterol in infected mice in the group that received antibiotics and extracts. The purpose of this research is to provide information related to changes in cholesterol in the provision of certain foods naturally so that further research can be done. This type of research is a pre and post controlled group design. This study used 24 Balb / c mice which were divided into 4 groups, the first group are group of infected mice without treatment, the second group was the group that received drugs only, the third group was the group that received figs and the fourth group was the group that received fig extract and medicine. The results of the study with the Annova test showed that the group that did not get therapy had a higher weight loss and higher cholesterol compared to the other group which was 79 mg / dl.
Ficus carica, Balb / c mice, Weight, Cholesterol, Salmonella infection
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami
Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Muhammadiyah, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University & Molecular Biology and
Immunology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Department of Clinical Pathology of Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia.
Abstract Introduction: This study aimed to analyze various hematological manifestations in tuberculosis (TB) patients using positive and negative smear sputum microscopy. Methods: This study was a retrospective study with cross-sectional design. The study subjects consisted of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis who were recruited consecutively at Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Sukapura hospital from 1st of January, 2015 to 30 of June, 2017. Results: There were significant differences in hematological parameters, including leucocytes, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, and erythrocyte sedimentation rates between acid-fast Bacillus positive (+) and negative (–). Conclusions: Changes in the results from the hematological examination in pulmonary TB patients could be used as parameters for diagnosis, prognosis, and response to therapy
Acid-Fast Bacilli; Hematological parameters; Tuberculosis
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Ani Triana
(a) Department of Midwifery, Institute of Health Science Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Jl. Mustafa Sari No.5 Pekanbaru, Riau, 28282, Indonesia
(b) Department Public Health Institute of Health Science Hang Tuah Pekanbaru, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Jl. Mustafa Sari No.5 Pekanbaru, Riau, 28282, Indonesia
Objective: Based on a survey conducted in seven major cities in Indonesia showed the result of 93% men and 56% of women in the early puberty masturbation. Masturbation is an effort to achieve erection and orgasm through genital organs stimulant manually by hand, or mechanical stimulation. Lack of knowledge, attitudes, media and the role of parents in providing understanding of negative impact of masturbation behavior in development of adolescents.This study aims to identificationinfluencerisk factors of masturbation behavior in adolescents Method : This research uses quantitative analytic study with cross-sectional design. The population in this study is all students at Senior High School 6 Pekanbaru and samples amounted to 101 people with systematic random sampling technique for sampling.The collection of data with the primary data, after the data collected will be analyzed of data by univariateanalysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis. Results: The result showed a significant variables are related to attitude (p value 0.004) 95% CI (1.585 to 11.790) and the role of parents (p value 0.005) 95% CI (1.521 to 11.790) Conclusion: The need for health personnel actively implement education through Health Services of Adolescents Care program and also parents play an active role by providing early sex education.
Masturbation, adolescents, attitude, the role of parents
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Nurrahmi Umami
Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medical, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Department of Medical, Faculty of Medical, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Nursing Program Study, Sembilanbelas November University, Indonesia
Nursing Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Abstract Objective: This study was to determine the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM (Men Sex with Men) communities at the HIV / AIDS Advocacy Institute in Southeast Sulawesi. Methods: It was an analytic survey and case-control. Data collected includes age, education level, occupation, gender, and sexual behavior including (condom use, cleaning reproductive organs, using basic materials (lubricants, silicon, water), changing partners, buying sex from men, buying sex from women, sell sex to men, sell sex to women, oral and anal sex. Data used secondary and primary data and collected in two months with the team. The number of samples in this study was 40 respondents consisting of 24 cases and 24 controls. Results: The results showed that the risk factors for HIV incidence in MSM communities were sexual behavior (p = 0.009, OR 5.898 and 95% CI 1,609-20,479), while injecting drug use factors were not a risk factor for HIV incidence in MSM communities (p = 1.000, OR 1.571 and 95% CI 0.238-10,365). Conclusion: Risk factor for HIV incidence in MSM communities were sexual behavior.
Risk factors; Male Sex Man; HIV
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Supiani Sarafuddin
a) Midwifery Student Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hamzar
Jl. Raya Labuhan Lombok Km.60, Mamben Daya, Wanasaba, Lombok Timur,
Nusa Tenggara Barat
b) Program Midwifery Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hamzar
Background IUD is a contraception tool which effective and has long period, but the use of IUD in the Indonesia less interest due to the complicated procedure, should be done by trained medical staff and seems as taboo because IUD have to inserted to vagina. The use of IUD decline year by year, such as 6,2 % (IDHS 2002), 4.9 % (IDHS 2007), and descend to 3.9% (IDHS 2012). The attention towards this problem is needed, due to many changes to perefer using other contraception such as injections and pills that impact to reducing the number of IUD users. The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation of motivation and duration of using IUD in Labuhan Haji at health facility of Labuhan Haji Lombok Timur. Method This research method was analytical observation. The sampling was done by total sampling technique with 77 respondents who were active acceptors in Labuhan Haji. In addition, the instrument used was a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed using kendall tau (t). Results Based on findings, the highest number of respondents (by age and education) who using IUDs is 41-50 years old, 34 respondents (44.2%) and the education level of most respondents is 39 respondents (50.6% high school). The most motivation for IUD users is Strong Motivation with 62 respondents (80.5%) and no respondents have weak motivation. The longest duration of IUD for 2-10 years is 66 respondents (85.7%). Kendall tau analysis test results (t) value of ρ = 0, 170 > α = 0,05 means that Ho is accepted or Ho>a. Conclusion There is no correlation between motivation and duration of using IUD in Labuhan Haji at health facility of Labuhan Haji Lombok Timur in 2013.
Motivation, Contraception tool, IUD
Corresponding Author
Lidwina Dewiyanti Wea
STIKES Santu Paulus Ruteng
Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No.10 Ruteng
This study aimed to collect the information of visually impaired children on the ability of personal hygiene on menstrual cycle. 6 visually impaired children were participated in this study. This study used qualitative study in order to explore the several themes related to personal hygiene on menstrual cycle. The data were collected by in depth interview recorded using recorder. Study findings showed that the visually impaired children experience several important facts that contribute to their self hygiene behavior on menstrual cycle. There were five themes obtained in this study. First, lack of knowledge. The theme was represented by the majority of the participant answered incorrectly on the definition of menstruation and the origin of menstrual blood. The second theme was menstruation and beliefs. The majority of participants answered that they afraid to wash their hair on menstrual cycle. The third theme was discomfort. This theme was represented by participants statement of discomfort feeling when delay in changing menstrual pad. The forth theme was emotional. The majority of the participant stated that they aclnowledge their menstrual pad was clean by feeling. The fifth theme was social environment. The majority of the participant obtain the knowledge on menstruation and how to clean menstrual pad from the teacher. Thus, the findings above explain that the visually impaired children still experiencing the disadvantaging issues namely psychosocial and physical problems. The negative feelings such as fear was the everyday obstacles. Myth and beliefs related to mentruation were also identified on this study. The emotional responses expressed by the statement that relying on feeling in conducting self hygiene on menstrual cycle were also identified. The findings from this study were expected to become the source of information in order to develop the psychosocial support to visually impaired children on maintaining their reproduction health.
Menstruation, Visually Impaired, Personal Hygiene on Menstrual Cycle, Qualitative Study, Thematic Analysis
Adolescent and reproductive health
Corresponding Author
Monica Dwi Hartanti
a) Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University
Jl Kyai Tapa No.260, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Robinson Research Institute, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia 5005
c) School of Medicine Science, Griffith University
Gold Coast Campus, Queensland, Australia 4215
During fetal ovarian development, the stroma penetrates and expands in the developing ovary and might play a role in the formation of ovigerous cords, follicles, and the ovarian surface epithelium. Pertubation of stromal development might lead to some reproductive diseases such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a multifactorial reproductive and metabolic endocrine disorder with increased ovarian stroma. Recent genotyping studies have discovered susceptibility loci containing candidate genes for PCOS. However, little is known about their expression patterns and interactions during ovarian development. Using bovine ovaries (n=27) due to their histological similarity to human ovaries, we investigated stromal behaviour morphometrically in the ovarian cortex and the expression of these candidate genes throughout gestation. The stromal proportion and stromal total volume in the cortex significantly increased (P < 0.05) throughout gestation. Except SUMO1P1, all candidate genes were expressed in fetal ovaries. The expression of GATA4, HMGA2, TOX3, DENND1A1 and FBN3 was initially high and decreased at about the end of the first trimester, whilst FSHR and INSR, increased from around the second trimester. Those genes were strongly correlated with gestational age. LHCGR expression was high in the first trimester, decreased to its lowest by 130 days of gestation, and then sharply increased until the end of gestation. The expression of the remaining genes was not correlated with gestational age. FBN3, HMGA2 and TOX3 expression decreased significantly during follicle formation in the fetal ovary. Collectively, GATA4, HMGA2, TOX3, LHCGR (before 150 days) and FBN3 were abundantly expressed and positively correlated with each other during early development when the cortical stromal expansion peaked, while FSHR, AMH, INSR, AR and TGFB1I1 were expressed during folliculogenesis and negatively correlated with the early expressed genes. Dysregulation of these genes during gestation might cause the PCOS phenotype later in life.
Fetal, ovary, stroma, PCOS
Adolescent and reproductive health
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